Thursday, May 21, 2009

Liability Insurance - Astra Insurance Indonesian Company

. Thursday, May 21, 2009

Understanding from Liability Insurance

The insurance give protection for the insured to prosecution of third party. Liability Insurance is generally known as Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in the world of insurance. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance have some insurance types in it, that is:

In insurance account to sue to be recognized by the third party term (third party). Third party is the side don't included in first party category (the insured) and second party (underwriter). Please click link on the each product Insurance for complete information concerning Comprehensive General Liability Insurance.


Amelia said...

Thanks for explaining this important insurance policy type. This is a general concept in the world of insurance. In the above article you have listed all liability insurance type. I will try to learn and understand about each one of them using the link you have attached.
product liability insurance

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