Friday, May 22, 2009

Workman's Compensation Insurance - Astra Insurance Indonesian Company

. Friday, May 22, 2009

Understanding of Workman's Compensation Insurance

Workman's Compensation Insurance guarantee prosecution of employees party when is in pursuance of business activity of his employer (owner of work) where the employees party have injured body including death. This insurance seems like with the labor insurance obliged by government in Indonesia, that is recognized by the name of "Jamsostek" that refers to Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (Labor Social Security).

Responsibility object in Workman's Compensation Insurance

Responsibility object in this insurance is prosecution of employees party effect of the insured business activity.

The risks guaranteed in Workman's Compensation Insurance:

Prosecution of employees party, including costs to do the defense (defense cost).

The risks is not guaranteed in Workman's Compensation Insurance:

  • Things related to intentional element

  • War, terrorism and riot

  • Things related to the demand having the character of penalty and penalization

  • Radioactive

  • Asbestos

The data must be given to insure in Workman's Compensation Insurance:

  • Employees amount, divided into the amount of expatriate employeeses and amount of national employees

  • Risk location

  • Totalizing the annual salary, divided into total salary in one year expatriate employees and total salary in one year national employees

  • Type work of employees


Jenice said...

Useful post. I am thankful to you for explaining this insurance policy scheme in detail. You do have mentioned all the important info about this insurance policy that is opted by organizations and companies for the benefit of their employees.
workers compensation insurance

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